Project Summary
Building on the processes and methods developed during other Floodprinting projects, the CDDL is currently working with the Town of Pollocksville, NC to envision and promote long-term community resilience as the town rebuilds after Hurricane Florence. Similar to other CDDL project in Eastern NC, the goal of the Pollocksville Community Floodprint is to advance equitable and contextually sensitive resiliency best practices that support and work in concert with the realities of this small, rural town.
Project processes include but are limited to:
Reconciliation of past studies and proposals, combined with new analyses conducted by CDDL and contracted partners, to develop a unified vision moving forward.
Focus on flood-adaptable approaches to main street enterprises and economic development, with integration of ecotourism and other agreed upon economic strategies per collaboration with elected officials, staff, and stakeholders.
Assessment of and land management strategies for properties that are currently vacant and/or slated for possible acquisition through HMGP and related processes, with connectivity to the town’s broader main street vision.
Broader planning that considers the NC HWY 17 Bypass and cohesion with historic areas.
Implementation of select townscape improvement projects (as identified in early phases).
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